Monday, February 07, 2011

Life & Relations

“Nanak dukhiya sab sansar” – They say O’Nanak every human being has some sorrow, and no one is happy…It is just perspectives. We think that the other person is happier than us, however, if we look into their lives, we will see that they have problems even bigger than us, that we may not be able to handle. I was once told a story..kind of remembering it…people went to god and said that my bag of worries is too big and I cannot take it anymore. God said ok I take your bag of worries, but u must have a bag. Go in the store and pick any bag of your choice. The person went to store and came back. He asked God, give me my bag only, since with this bag atleast I know what the problems are..If I pick any other bag, I am not sure what I am picking..may be the bag I pick has even bigger problems…

No one would ever like to dare to take a bag of bigger problems…

Isn’t man selfish…he just wants comfort and happiness for himself. We all are in relations also because of our own selfish benefits. We need to be social to live..

I like western culture in that sense. They are very honest in their relations. If it is not working they will walk out of relations. It is better than being hypocrite. Although an argument is there that they do not try to adjust and make relations work..Well who doesn’t want relations to work. However if it goes beyond a point where it is not giving any happiness but suffering to both individuals then it is better to separate..

Was watching a movie lately on Gandhi’s son..what an irony..Gandhi termed as the father of nation for India, could not fulfill his role and duty as a father to his own son. The contrasting demands both father and son had from their lives resulted in one to suffer. But isn’t it that Gandhi was a bit selfish in focusing on his expectations from his life, and wanted his son to follow the same, without understanding what his son needs and what his problems are, how they can be solved..Did he invest time, part of his life into this relation, did he feel it was worth his time and effort to ensure that his own son’s life is not ruined. Was he not selfish that he wanted his name to be not tarnished by his own son’s deeds..Somewhere he knew he had failed..

Relations are overrated..yes, but they are still the best investments. The happiness received from fruitful relations is not comparable to any happiness in the world. We may acquire materialistic things, but fame and recognition in the society remains the most sought after thing in people’s lives...and being social remains the foundation of human life

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